30 minutes

Estimated Cost:
This activity asks girls to think about vocabulary to describe GFS and to form it into the structure of a rap. It also develops confidence in using their voices.
Prepare sticky notes, felt pens and flip chart.
As a whole group ask the girls to suggest some words and phrases to describe GFS (brilliant, cool, fun, etc). They should write these words on sticky post-it notes.
Girls then arrange the words in any order on the display board or flip chart.
Working in small groups of three or four, ask them to create GFS raps using these words. Encourage them to refine their raps by varying the dynamics e.g. they could start very quietly, build to louder in the middle and fade away at the end. Allow about fifteen minutes for this part of the activity.
At the end of the session the groups each perform their raps. They can be played in time to a regular pulse played on a drum or tambour if one is available.
Discuss the different performances and ask the girls to make constructive comments and suggestions about them.
Flip chart or display board
Sticky notes
Felt pens
Tambourine or small drum (optional)
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