Loo roll bird feeder

posted in: Arts and Crafts, Skill Based | 0

You will need:

  • Toilet paper rolls or you can go big with kitchen rolls 
  • Peanut butter or Honey (nut allergy free) 
  • Bird seed 
  • String or wool 
  • Plate/bowl/baking tray 
  • Knife or pastry brush for spreading 


10-15 minutes


Do some upcycling and nature-loving at the same time. These are really easy to make, you can hang them anywhere and birds will flock to your bird cafe.

You could also find out what birds are coming to gobble up your feed on www.rspb.org.uk or www.birdspot.co.uk

Instructions – hanging feeder


Take off any tissue that may be left on the roll and use a knife or pastry brush to cover it in either peanut butter or honey.


Pour the bird seed onto a plate, then roll the tube in the seed.  The seed sticks to the roll as you have coated them with lots of stickiness. 


Once you have done that, thread some string or colourful wool through the roll. You are then ready to hang the feeder and watch the birds!

Instructions – standing feeder


Remove any leftover tissue and make four holes in one end of your rolls. Make sure they are opposite to each other and not too big otherwise the sticks may fall out. 


Make 2 small holes opposite at the other end to thread the string/wire through. 


Spread on the honey/peanut butter and roll in seed. To finish off – push the sticks through the four holes to make a cross shape 




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