5-10 minutes
You’ll need:
- our languages chart below
Share your screen and ask the girls to pick a language from the list and to say ‘hello’ in that language.
Language | Hello | Pronunciation |
Afrikaans | Goeie dag | gwee eh dahg |
Arabic | Asalaam alaikum | ah salam u alay koom |
Chinese | Nǐ hǎo | nee how |
Croatian | Dobar dan | doe bar dahn |
Dutch | Hallo | hah low |
Farsi | Do’rud | doh rood |
Filipino | Mabuhay | mah boo hi |
French | Bonjour | boh zhoor |
German | Guten Tag | goo ten tahg |
Hawaiian | Aloha | a low ha |
Hindi | Namaste | nah mah stay |
Italian | Salve | sahl vay |
Japanese | Konnichiwa | koh nee chi wah |
Polish | Dzień dobry | gin dobrey |
Romanian | Bună ziua | boo nah zee wa |
Spanish | Hola | oh la |
Swahili | Habari | ha barr ee |
Turkish | Merhaba | mar hah bah |
Vietnamese | Xin chào |
sin jow |
When they have said ‘hello’, ask the group to respond by saying ‘hello’ back in that same language. Encourage the girls to pick different languages from one another.
You can also ask the girls to guess which country each language originates from.
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