International Women’s Day Special – Girls’ Puppets

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30 minutes

Estimated Cost:



Creating puppets is a great interactive activity you can do with the girls. These little girls represent the very thing that make us special, have your girls make their puppets however they like.


Download and print the puppet templates



Print the template on the coloured cards and cut out the girls using scissors. Whilst you’re doing this, talk about the fact that to have a good team spirit, developing trust is essential. If a group of people hold trust then they find it much easier to talk openly and communicate with each other.


Flip them onto coloured or patterned paper and trace the contour of their bodies to create the clothing, hats, shoes, etc. You can also use felt tips to colour the clothes.


Add any extra embellishment; tissue paper for hair, ribbon for a skirt, and glitter for extra shine. Use patterned papers, wool and all kinds of craft materials to make them unique.Ask the girls they can create a story about a woman who helps someone, learns something new, surpasses a challenge, conquers a fear – anything you can think of which matches the theme of the day.


Let the girls make their girls and women as remarkable as they are and teach them to celebrate the differences we share with the people around us!


Puppet templates. Please download and print here.
Card/paper in various colours and patterns
Small embellishments (e.g. ribbon, gems, wool, etc.)
Crayons/felt tip pens/coloured pencils, markers
Enough Puppet templates for the whole group.

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