30 minutes – 1 hour

You’ll need
- Coloured pens and pencils
- Paper
- Envelopes
- Stamps
- Glitter, feathers, sequins (optional)
One of the best things for getting you through tough times is your friends. Their support and love can help you when you’re feeling like things are challenging. And your friendship can help them when they need it too.
Although it’s more difficult to see our friends at the moment, there are still ways to stay connected so that we can be there for each other. Let your friends know that you’re there for them by sending them a reminder in the post.
Think of the friends who are really good at making you feel happy and ask them if they would like to be part of a letter swap.
Write a letter to each friend with words of kindness, support and plans for what you’ll do together in the future. They should all do the same. Decorate the letter however you like to make it fun.
Ask a grown up to help you with putting the letters in envelopes with your friends’ addresses on and put them in the post box next time you are taking a walk.
When you receive the letters, put them somewhere safe. Don’t open them yet!
The next time you are feeling like you need cheering up, open one of the letters and let your friends’ words make you smile.
Top tip: if you haven’t got any stamps, you could do this by sending emails, or by swapping letters of kindness with your neighbours.
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