Marshmallow and spaghetti tower
Focus This activity is a fun way to explore what is needed to make a structure secure and to practice problem solving. This is also great to to with a parent or sibling to learn the importance of working as … Continued
A girl or boy thing?
Focus This is a quick activity to raise awareness of gender stereotyping in our thinking. Preparation None. Instructions Resources A room the girls can run across, signs with ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ written in large writing, stuck to opposite sides of the … Continued
Pot of gold
Focus Girls will be familiarised with the concept of gender differences and stereotypes within the media. They will understand what is important to them and how they would communicate their messages and points of view through different media channels. Preparation … Continued
Hula hoop relay race
Focus This game is all about having fun and working together. Preparation All you’ll need is to make sure you’ve got at least two hula hoops and plenty of space. Game Instructions Split the girls into two teams All girls … Continued