Loo roll bird feeder
Focus Do some upcycling and nature-loving at the same time. These are really easy to make, you can hang them anywhere and birds will flock to your bird cafe. You could also find out what birds are coming to gobble … Continued
Focus Do some upcycling and nature-loving at the same time. These are really easy to make, you can hang them anywhere and birds will flock to your bird cafe. You could also find out what birds are coming to gobble … Continued
Focus With so many people living in urban environments with no or limited garden, closed terrariums are making a come back. This is a great way to give children without a garden a touch of green fingers. The terrarium works … Continued
Focus Shock and delight your kids with the wonders of liquid density. Things you’ll need Tall glass or small vase Water Food colouring Cooking oil Sugar/honey/syrup Small items from around the house. We recommend peas, a coin and a ping … Continued
Focus This activity is a fun way to explore what is needed to make a structure secure and to practice problem solving. This is also great to to with a parent or sibling to learn the importance of working as … Continued
Focus In this activity, the girls get to think about what it would be like to be in the shoes of Marie Curie and come up with their own invention. It encourages creativity and develops their knowledge. Preparation … Continued